sling shot
boys will be boys and girls will be girls
Onika Maraj is constantly giving me kidney stones distracting me from my
its uncomfortable and very painful
log 2/15/2015
the capital of the world nyc
our city is the code that we follow
making comparisons contrasting the difference of simple conversations and
striking me.
on my right side from a remote and random location
i think i can stop the pain temporarily by using tylenol codiene 3 which is
very expensive.
motrin also helps
why is she hurting me
sage sagitaruis cop police using alex trabeic to get her off of my thoughts
and my body. simple words and numbers for instance one hundred and twenty
five to the two fifty,
ive had five surgeries
color coding
blocking broad cast warning and signal
watching stop lights
stop signs and pins remove add subtract
monitoring think.action
on move loop comparision hold call telephone device
I am a human being she is watching my steps and altering my movements
body language dance hands toes
broach clutch toe
shoulders head feet excuse legs for count we need sticks strings
air.feed ignore period use space for friendship or notice upon allow
ance ence causing strain when she belives shes inconveniencing me on
purpose so that i cannot work
ive never met this individual i belive that she is very dangerous and needs
stephon smith
lvgb liquid vision global buisness
contact stephon at
buying goods difficult also interacting with individuals of her preference
making it hard to calculate my buisness demands.
is of if as in
comparing spanish population count and traffic thats the commisoners job
and the mayors job.
this is bullshit
stone of golith
liar body substitute body for nc name calling feel with doubles triples
meaning exercicing kill based on personal calculation illegal and dangerous
mc left right up down
here hear heor hero
inhale exhale temple tendency to be tenacious or like like like like
based on rule of three third second and first
monitoring females and males through a foriegn technology
united states
domincan republic
using for comfort please replace 0 with null as needed
0 null
null null
operators ignoring call + - x /
telephone bell and store specific to pull
door ground
was saw oppisite male female
log 2/15/2015
mary go round
im a very busy man i have alot of things to do i do not need this
inconvience please someone if you have any answers please submit an email
or response based on
your conclusion not opinion. major pain
i dont know much about music or super stardom but ouch is all i can say
stephon smith
insert settle seal
iforgot iforget
excel groove access word
one holla dolla etc. ending conversation with friends family partners
association based on ...being interrupted message alet continued upon
request this isnt a message or an alert wtf yeah ok
oh shit!
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