Tuesday, May 12, 2015

why don't you make it easier for yourself40https://twitter.com/StephonCartier/with_replies

which one you thing goes first I bet or splash smacked stop it nah lol
where she at now and you cant post a comment after my video double click then click browser options then my money look like constant instruction black out. what t 2 ti 80 nic prob proj j ho !
tabs applications pids kn na va ss aa na knowledge



conditions apply psychic espanol in jetlag drag across making English easier for spainsh difficult typing before or confused while typing consider easier before difficult as latin English emply to greek and world history.

splash - wripping wrist tv edition period term net bag bee http://liquidvision8.blogspot.com  what im doing is trying to tell you to be a grown men and you f'in my shit up cool. have a happy mothers day. stephon smith other users can find interest in people willing to share. whoa yourself40https://twitter.com/StephonCartier/with_replies
the ability to have confidence is to attain and retain the recognance recognative recognitve ending with semi colon to state the easy also while difficult to maintain.

punctual is abrupt and on time getting their, to the point understanding the point of using point more than once recognative with a semi colon before recognative.

while easy also difficult to read.
Taking your time must be a purchase of no influence


influential people

Malcolm x

Booker T. Washinton

Martin Luther King

Cronological order makes it easier for people but as alpha would imply bet itcal the misery of drifting or being pulled. bein claro spain bang noise sound speech understanding

slang ebonics

under dig jah dig dig

just flu

conditions diseases

chicken pox

plague people take offence to these words when their are statements that imply belief an 8/1 population count incourring we have to concur with the strategy of how to do.

doing running winning losing

everything is done in a certain way

just as to tend bill as to the not is

legality reality ration portion

cut coke cocaine purchase price

dominance gene j as to name when the condition implys an importance to a witness usually a noun. usa or unity a band wrapping of the skin with a condition that you use a specific medical product

wrapping bandges

kidney stones gall stones cancer sound telephone television

date day da

ca carcus lion tiger

eat seat siente Spanish for pull or just do.

as nike would put it dong for cinta the direction of the apostrophe not the land to yield to the gases or forces of life and if 8/1 conditions imply knowledge then rain is just as important as wind no matter the form type of measurement privacy would imply freedom meaning to contemplate complacency or dural meaning the moment in time unwanted conditions removed. regardless of the increase + decrease.


united states are taking these things very practical after the presidential election of barrak Obama



intrest where did life begin

dinosaurs or am I going to eat my next meal with out contemplating difficult distress or dural.

the moment in between may condition  men under the pretence of jet lag or a tired fatigue because of computing and a ringing sound within the mouth to protect the Arabic and the Spanish from the American.

North American While to Latin as to Greek meaning as. cause the contraction took place when as spoke to imply gesture.

ignore distract

ears eyes

computing will never be the same while population count implys fear to the people for

trafficking guns drugs people

noun person place or thing

study birth certificate fs 240 born abroad

jet lag ss55ss wtf nsa

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