Tuesday, May 5, 2015

5 hold 5 grip 5 touched blessed witness jehova! lol sharp radioshack pc richards leaves these girls aloe boys im free felony we out. its nothing. im under drake. splash jim snap into a slim jim Bitch or Nigger x X equal touched play equal insert opinion virus spy y pull hold grip shake up 1987 geraldo rivear germany being attacked by onika maraj audrey grahm incosistet with listen world tour or attached cuz my money like audrey's since i said so fuck bird man. fire flame fire mane free weezy splash fuck nicki drizzy get busy. psssht light feet d boy boik o stop pretending stop that fronting girl dont treat me like a stranger. lol fake get off me B itch or Nigger Touched drinking o the low.... lol lmao cheese me dogirl ate hit heat my homework. lvgb sight -20+20 eyesight onika states -20+15 vision not for me shit. knot speed 325mph bye scoot storch kid cudi day and night kill up in flames missing hook bridge ring rang boomer na bamma lol o' rama drizzy drake stile broke take a brake. irs info below

you cant act like a kid in front of adults your age. lol onika im a real adult.
record log bog to tight drake pull one two three record start finish fin quality of life 
air cheeto air dorito air sprite air 3dmix 3 d m i x oss linux stephon ad drake dna carhohydrate protiens chromosomes x y apply to color or change sloppy toppy emotions mistakes errors savings spend sp lash
rihana what are you doing 
stepho paying artist fake money to enjoy day the day as to person people court onika distracting
eurka drug store cash 17th st or brooklyn wtf was that some ew shit go or stay bobby smurda rae srummud
big sean 200,000 dollars for what onika lil kim beyoce failure defeat patch gabrielle kerry washigton agelia joelie and pamalea anderson.
200 + 200 + 200 
200 + 200 + 200 = mean ad and onika bc abc abcd strain shes pullig on me at bc abc bd onika stop rihanna 
fake yes beyoce fake yes oika fake n key pull kill assasin spy order under judge stephon smith
ny york against stephon smith geraldo rivear jr suit onika maraj ny state 2001 - 2015 log record kidney stones alopecia queens 2009 2010 sight read hear disease ear infection chicken pox nuro virus cancer breast cancer hacked into library computers apple android adnoids throat treachea smokers cautio while travel to america city watch new york chicago flordia califoria artist stephon smith katy perry jason derulo.

 Stephon Calvin Smith 
Geraldo Rivera noticig pause jump skip vio violator acdc zap shock personal pause shock amazed notice of drake nicki birdman lil wanyes attetion manage improper applied pressure to my body secret light 

cor cwwc type writer

 Excessive pressure : ep pe oppisite 4 million sales drake album slave to slave idk lol at splash girls only

period term day window ttyl thanks wayne conect drake weezy bizzy stef gunz

Intrest in Kourtney Kardashian improper sperly wtf spelled perry thomas perry willis recall from memory no
response implyig maybe kanye's and waka floka's mom are dangerous just being literal think about the abuse ad the window missing link widow lol at kourtney oika marahg missing  and end emmidately with 
music lol two enters people dont fid the jokes that i do funny
settled 4trillion germany nuermberg vanessa a. smith nicole gant uhhh....
I wouldnt have her for a second take interest and know that there isnt and interruption that is a major music inconvience in my life based on order logical or literally daddy di di car bo pirate para spanish yes no lol meter quater ummm im the only thing interesting on this planet broke lol sad yes no lie becasue true to true i dk you wtf donkey kong ckong car lol 
bye bottle ice cream ummmmm no botttle sad yes literal we ca do this we who hit eat chew chump chunk pinapple ciroq  wheres the c left or arrrr right write right clean clear sucks thats mad remiders o wtf wrong im thinkig about another woman i m so sorry. latley tyrese bus star elephat star 5 vs 2 in trinidad to reform in my own way followig keyshia cole and the game. wtf long way down long horn kidney stone disease research sound alert one word disease what disease who disease how disease what confused direction in out.
\wheres the c left or right write clean clean
bye bye

very good listening
thank ingcoo car kim korurKoury+tt
disease virus plague anno and no
answer solution number korean magizine who's how hoe hoe how or how hoe hoe hoe christopher columbus or christopher kringle exchange server tim allen tom allen
gabrielle or kerry beyonce keke

saloge name means i dont want to hear that in my thoughts... 4:10 am 10:53am meaning six hours of sleep im tired.
I went to sleep at 10pm got up at 6 am 2hourscouldbecolonhatecolonlovecolorlove+2tt

cure could cute a ah breath of air abcd
jhene aiko wading
one two tow literal v i s u a l window backdoor leak
stepho smith
may 5 2017 im about to eat mad food eat is hit ladies pamela 'one al do
jhee i pick you whats wrong with the picking seperate thanks ker
car solve solutio for two two three dazh convert grade

​ forum depressio emotios assidd fro oto more mistakes hi hell o rupe nah. ending in period helps periodical referrndum. dependingn on person god profile widow term literal widow vi pico cat pipe | visual p ascii unicode
mem:del 3x3 2x4 4x4 obj subject and para par car irs pirate stephon smith onika maraj wtf 098 239 2015 irs tax chruch vatican 5/5/2015 w2 w11 felony baby daddy nah coo cough consist lvgb research labotories 
its hard drake trey splash minaj theruputic
aig insurace 4 trillion 4 billion 4 million 6 million 2 million 6 arms keke palmer megan good oprah winfey stephon smith gabrielle onika kerry lied about abortion pregnancy hood hoodoo kourtney kardashia khloe karashian miss spellig punctuation improper grammer publish print due does 2billion law suit bar exam settle 
middle medium afgan paki stand sit hit eat wife line persoal noticeing pressurwe on the nkey ni solve huh 
my wife's not hear right now. out.write

doations i work for unicef red cross green peace or whothefuckever at ratchet or aka's on twitter linked in facebook
Targeting the unemployed.... S.S 55 stars solitude
-------------------------------------------------------------------a tree -------------------------------------------(pat touched patriarch matriarch mom dad pat touhed see referundem referrandum pericodial referece that was cool rreference good or bad we ow avc cbs stephon smith geraldo rivera. ignoring awty crew space imply europe america latin america wiest5 islands igored wyh inn my mind beyonce or heather headly its mad borig to sit her ad act like i dk you so what yim pressig keys with you stayig ot leabig im ot doingn aything to oyou your trying to claim somethign that i havetasked for since when was you goeing to sc act it out by boo luh you too my air my air dot try to tell me what to do sometimes to see refer
recordingn or act by keeke palmer and stephon smith
ignore the spelling icorrect call hear hold grip ( cacer aids sound) they not listening lol pig russia puerto rico christopher coloumbus christopher krigle holiday dj dt dee cee aka always tampoo stinking pussy yssup idk u meaig when i have a moment yuou goog you ugood wtf little girls or pigls little pigs ls cat clear ls term txt type ttyl ymvmb move fast or high est or ist wrist eveachii only im out you tried tro play me blastig at I you with I'm I'll I'd ummm you dot love me your a capitalist dont harm my boody babbi.
recoordig and act by onika marag adn stephon smith
cis sic iformation fatigure makig keke tired pull equal sic ill information sciece art key board 4
mean work mean avg average io onika u press asia one order implay change or o ramma musical chairs since 2009 - 20015 could mean ipv4 or just a year to hear symbol distratig number 2 5 1 1 16 delete merge emerge space isert music movies books tickets (amtrack greyhound) tripsxtravel multiple hard to determine if version ipv4 or ipv6

typo {jeneaiko 3:16 dead alive and loved still vamping from 4 to 5 why what you meant avg or averg for ik ch muah

doations i work for unicef red cross green peace or whothefuckever at ratchet or aka's on twitter linked in facebook
6.83 GB (45%) of 15 GB used
Last account activity: 19 minutes ago

time error typing walking running jumping error ks kswiss sneaker stephon telephone bell south

network cricket sprint t mobile halbuton bush supreme cream white tan beige knowledge taking time expierence not what I wanna do I want to do what they do so they intefferred in my life while im practicing wrapping ummm quarter half whole ignore tiger lion scare hormones in new York sky.

until 2022 28

sound light air psychic to move to be alive bomb fart frog wart save world pay play paid. period term window apply to two opinion touch move don't cant abcd cd if unavailable search bandwidth apply window tk pk refer ss55ss space station find onika maraj & stephon smith shutup.py p4coxboxplaystation radio sound light air psychic object subjection public to private church body air oxygen touch body apply concentration hot or cold cloth. assume knowledge of eat heat hit run move push pop stack buffer null e f f s a

 Vanessa network patent standard iquit MacBook pro lmao aka laughing my ass of literal see counter hack tjx howard throat cancer breast cancer sound research device iphone ipad android Samsung galaxy stephon smith microphone telephone problems combating agent see insertstick black, roaches, and mice. with white with witt with wite r = rent k = know pay play work job wart joke jack john stephon I quit insert space kill me leg hurt side hurt movment altered by onika maraj.

later amd intel processor thought temple body swallow spit water oxygen hydrogen carbon dioxide pressing keys causes mind to belief know mail box gender specific female male computer neautral control caused by bush Lincoln Washington prior number letter mail male ale cain able cure none thanks sincerely
Geraldo rivera jr
stephon smith
lvgb2015 sidekick psychic error sloppy toppy hat religion respect woman womb single family eff eee eic bic cia nigger twitter jigger stab shoot repeat down to conscious eating sleeping stunting for a purpose called walking running jumping jealousy or why pay for none nothing remove h replace with hirus to explain America Germany and your situation fs- 240 dual citizenship born on military base in munich to gearldo riveara and Vanessa smith 1987 1930 elmer gant 1955 Vanessa gant 1973 2015 2000 y2k bug identified as women men compete in a capitalist way called family. exit term window only by nm and mm jj initals nick


  1. Steve Urkle 1 minute ago
    some new shit liquidvision8 surf the net. secrets of attraction force plague i be hyper text mark up language after roman's reveage you could never catch up with me or even be close cool try link liquidvision8.blogspot.com she cool lol pink print idk her. stone him my curse purse bag bitch coach curse sin speak stop work home ate hit comment meaning

    Steve Urkle 3 minutes ago
    http://liquidvision8.blogspot.com ignore command find me under last train to paris diddy did he question your spouse any amount paligamy. patriarch mom dad matriarch house rent cost to own reputation

    wtf inore comment find me bucket chicken taco beef el gato in mi pantelones'

    captivate cap pop top sink on 123 on stephon on onika onika on stephon wtf 123

    abc cbs nbs voice sound like star familar ice visa birth certificate disposition honoarble what do you kow ufo forget k2 4loko hygrade cancer virus pink eye chieckenn pox used as heroin color mex hex tex

    flex relex rr poit exam

  2. trey songz please try r kelly its just an opinion an alternative thought would be like proposing a suggestion. its just a suggestion I know your going to say you already did so have I. they hate the things for they not know that is ... (predicate) felon lol g laugh bro
