When My peace was broken
My mother encouraged me to come outside and find my brothers.
I didnt really know what she meant but took a hit a tip kind of like saying dont forget your umbrella.
Born as Geraldo Rivera Jr. I was curious to question where my siblings were. Growing up in a household of brothers and an older sister I think it would mean alot to step out and understand why my mothers and fathers success led me to a place of tranquil peace and understanding. At the age of sixty my mom leaves me to believe that time and age are important to maturity and growth.
Being African American cherokee indian and puerto rican born on a military base in nuermberg german classified categorized called munich.
I belive i was born as a gift to the world. Traveling to d.c n.c ny only complicates who i am becasue of rumors and gossip people beliving they know me or know my story. Being able to foretell the future or predict who i will become based on the past the bible or the koran as it is printed and translated in english for english readers.
Leaving out the arabic notation or importance of shorthand inca mayan and egyptian hyrogrlphics.
The united states employees professionals of different nationalities and backgrounds. equal opportunity employers allow success to continue to drive business and create path's for goal oriented individuals.
I've been a resident of new york for the past fourteen years and ive witnessed only a few minor changes from the youth that my mother enjoyed in the late 60's as a child.
Becoming a writer an actor or a musician became an interest after high school. Graduating eagerly waiting to start working to continue to develop skills and mature at a rate that would allow me to become an adult and a man of my word.
Efficentcy is very important but the anger that fueled the great depression became relevant during the industrialization period where america began to recognize the relevance and strength in promoting nationalism, encouraging citizens to become familiar with policy and laws that would allow child labor conditions to become safe making way for health conscious workers interested in insurance women's rights and the prospective commute roads bridges tunnels tolls.
gas pump cars trains schools parks sidewalks streets
important immune health awareness pregnancy
I'm sure this stuff is important and has been written about but this is my stuff.
meaning i wrote it. some people take dna to far ozone layer radiation and cfc's to far you have to pick a category so where and eventually
make progress in a certain field.
I've learned alot while either working in retail or learning about technology and i'm sure a lot of people would like to hear the story from my mouth
mouth house
what didnt i do
while going through nicki's music its very hard for me to choose a song to listen to
i think immediately toward the serious nature and condition of being african american
what didnt i do that doesnt allow me to choose wisely and quickly to what i'd like to listen to.
as a child my goals were stability success and security
as an adult i understood that that music would determine the interest in politics and what entertainment i would choose to enjoy.
growing with my peers listening to selective music making work an important objective but education an even more important objective.
Wisdom and Knowledge are two important things that the african american culture stress and continue to remind me that I am to become adequetate in knowledge and teaching as the capability becomes an ability to share time and age with family freinds and loved ones.
Technological trends continue to become foreign to many keeping up with the fast past of the city it always helps to carry an mp3 play listeing to music and direct project and embody the presence of being lively. Enjoyning a nice walk through central park or just being a note in legacy of a city that has history standing to attest to the presence of life and the human being.
War Love Hate comparisons and contrasting the difference between allow us to see the difference between brightness and darkness as the change would imply a physical change encompassing the study of physics to explain how important vibrant feelings have given us a public social affair that is
my solitude
the game of solitaire
a deck of cards joker diamond club heart spade
kings and queens popes archbishop president
very peculiar words that leave me to think of who i am and who i can become every day of my life.
The economy can be a complex issue that can be understood in many ways but the daily activities that fuel a normal life complimenting entertainment media centers give our devices a presence like no other. UFO a simple acronym can be attractive and bring light to flowers allowing oxygen to fill the room unlike a classroom where oxygen become lively like just thinking and learning about science energy and color.
Not knowing the capabilities of our devices are what continue to fuel the interest behind the possibilities of extraterrestrial the devices weigh and become attachments they dont need to be eat they only need to be powered
duracell power
windows media center
energizer bunny
that annoying why do i have to act like a child
but as long as you continue to hurt my back i cant deny the fact.
why do you keep doing that knowing that you can hurt my back
then pestering me
i cant accomplish my work
thats not working to gether your just inserting your opinion
giving me kidney stones
beans fuck what the
im spinning in circles trying to figure out what i did
the stone that slayed golith
my name aint david
beware cerable palsy parkinsons
lvgb playlist pls
rihanna your da one
rihanna rude boy
rihanna whats my name
nicki minaj high school
504 boyz wobble wobble
young money roger that
since my birth people around the world have been waiting to see what i can do
the world isnt stopping becasue you say....
i feel threated and in pain ive had five surgeries stent placement and been prescribed vikaden percocet oxycodon
if you put ^ that one that means she o.d.n
if you put ^ that one that mean you aight
that shit cant hurt you like that
all you doing is talking insertin your opion pessimistic negative and time delaying project sabatoge
stop nick fuck
stop hitting me on my right side
control, talking about what you dont like, change
am i not supposed to work or something
its like suprise im a beat you up.
okay stop wtf success is definetly for hard workers im a hard worker ummmmmm.
your not the center of attention
my peace was broken.
i got 5 on it
me and you yo momma and your coisn to
snoop doog on no limit
master p has to support the 504 boys becasue the hot boys promoting guerilla warfare in the 90's every one wanted to know whats going on
i grew up to these tunes
swayne suechii splash
i just wanted to look into the camera iv'e never even recored a video before
but you dont contorl me
avoid jittering studdering
It took me a year to get back to the movement of her neck or just an understanding of the concept of the video Febuary 14, 2014 to january 8,2014 No you guys have fun my stomach hurt my back hurt my side god damn eewww idont even odd know probably at 00:21 i dont even have the patience while in pain. express what words ackronym if it is what she say shout out to young money im at wtf by 1:51 dont leave just me and 50 in it damn. i got 50 at a quater meaning you a quarter aint half if your thinking in fractions
Trey you wanna go for a ride
how many images did i put damn
game at whats the game who said she was the game wtf is goin owwwwww wwwwwgetmoneygetmenott
ss46ss Follow Stephon ! You cant name a person Stephon I'm obvious not hiding trying to grow and promote.
She knew she couldn't beat me at the rap shit
so she goes around the the point and punches me in my kidney using a remote technique similar to yoga controlling my body movments and sluring my speech
iss internet sever
when you get to your thirties you learn how these words apply to your life and the things that you learn to accept that are baffeling such as iis whats the meaning and how do you apply the things that you can accept to the things that you cant understand
plates or server
wife and how our life as a couple generally apply to the things that we are to conversate about as the issue of importance to what parameters make since in position and processing
in whatever order buffereing load the waith is considered the opportunity to think
the temple the petuitarhy gland oxygen the nasal passage ways salavia the touge the teeth speaking correctly thinking before acting is a rule of thumb
being followed however by a person I cant see but hear is dangerous feeling pressure on my body as the temperature changes the body will alert the adrenalin as its used to fuel the point and purpose intended to accomplish physical movement with accuracy and speed agility
I'm being attacked at the buffer
the load interrupt and intefference
similar to pressing pushing or pulling
this was a problem for the united states when we began to take interest in aeronautics and the atomosphere.
I've been getting kidney stones since 2011 and I wonder how a women can compete with a men. Very difficult for me to imagine
She knew she couldn't beat me at the rap shit
so she goes around the the point and punches me in my kidney using a remote technique similar to yoga controlling my body movments and sluring my speech
zap shock pop
Puerto rican Chinese caucassian aaryian blood nation illumines illuminate or light explaining growth and achievement
fire and stone
ford and strength
processing spelling knowledge and secrets
my family cheated by naming me and giving birth to a child a son stephon calvin smith
Vanessa a smith
Geraldo rivera
in Germany in 1986 then bringing me to the united states that allowed me to get through school as m parents are both American.
the rumors the gossip stephon steve urkle tgif carlos Santana and bongo and the
a lot of us got set up yes but that doesn't give you the right to hurt my back and my side
fuck I look like a profit to you
yeah ight
bitch got the cops all in my hous
what is psychic
say What the FUCK is that . poignant surprise and superstition supercalifragilistic expialidosis
taking merit for the skill and time that you've managed to live on this earth and claim that it it their gift to you as a way to kill the competition or just utter survival
like dislike
marriage sticky finger bloody finger napkin just being cautious aware and taking your time
get off me
what the fuck is that
Verizon can you here me now
boost where you at
bubble gum Mexican monkey backpack
notice the similarities of a o and e o squeeze pinch and relevance of common knowledge called vowels
get the money and get out of here
get this women off of you
right above texas
listening and hearing is a skill responding accurately when told to is all apart of following direction
all of which I have at twenty seven
yes my mom was rough on me she was in the military.
my private and personal business is my private and personal business
refer spy software hard ware
competing with this woman and making it soft so that you can tell that this was what I was made to do.
im not under you control stop acting act it to
shakesphere to be or not to be.
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12:49 PM (2 minutes ago)
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decreasing and limiting the quality of my work
I didn't ask you to do that. Onika I'm very upset.
I'm sorry the world bothered you.

On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 12:48 PM, Steve Urkle <steveurkle00@gmail.com> wrote:
She knew she couldn't beat me at the rap shitso she goes around the the point and punches me in my kidney using a remote technique similar to yoga controlling my body movments and sluring my speechreferarthritisorthepidicsMississippiiss internet severplateswhen you get to your thirties you learn how these words apply to your life and the things that you learn to accept that are baffeling such as iis whats the meaning and how do you apply the things that you can accept to the things that you cant understandplates or serverwife and how our life as a couple generally apply to the things that we are to conversate about as the issue of importance to what parameters make since in position and processingin whatever order buffereing load the waith is considered the opportunity to thinkthe temple the petuitarhy gland oxygen the nasal passage ways salavia the touge the teeth speaking correctly thinking before acting is a rule of thumbbeing followed however by a person I cant see but hear is dangerous feeling pressure on my body as the temperature changes the body will alert the adrenalin as its used to fuel the point and purpose intended to accomplish physical movement with accuracy and speed agilityI'm being attacked at the bufferthe load interrupt and intefferencesimilar to pressing pushing or pullingthis was a problem for the united states when we began to take interest in aeronautics and the atomosphere.I've been getting kidney stones since 2011 and I wonder how a women can compete with a men. Very difficult for me to imagineShe knew she couldn't beat me at the rap shitso she goes around the the point and punches me in my kidney using a remote technique similar to yoga controlling my body movments and sluring my speechzap shock popPuerto rican Chinese caucassian aaryian blood nation illumines illuminate or light explaining growth and achievementfire and stoneford and strengthprocessing spelling knowledge and secretsmy family cheated by naming me and giving birth to a child a son stephon calvin smithVanessa a smithGeraldo riverain Germany in 1986 then bringing me to the united states that allowed me to get through school as m parents are both American.the rumors the gossip stephon steve urkle tgif carlos Santana and bongo and thea lot of us got set up yes but that doesn't give you the right to hurt my back and my sidefuck I look like a profit to youyeah ightbitch got the cops all in my houswhat is psychicsay What the FUCK is that . poignant surprise and superstition supercalifragilistic expialidosistaking merit for the skill and time that you've managed to live on this earth and claim that it it their gift to you as a way to kill the competition or just utter survivallike dislikemarriage sticky finger bloody finger napkin just being cautious aware and taking your timeget off mewhat the fuck is thatVerizon can you here me nowboost where you atbubble gum Mexican monkey backpacknotice the similarities of a o and e o squeeze pinch and relevance of common knowledge called vowelsget the money and get out of hereget this women off of youright above texaslistening and hearing is a skill responding accurately when told to is all apart of following directionall of which I have at twenty sevenyes my mom was rough on me she was in the military.my private and personal business is my private and personal businessrefer spy software hard warecompeting with this woman and making it soft so that you can tell that this was what I was made to do.im not under you control stop acting act it toshakesphere to be or not to be.
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12:49 PM (1 minute ago)
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but uh I don't know you that's disturbing

On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 12:49 PM, Steve Urkle <steveurkle00@gmail.com> wrote:
decreasing and limiting the quality of my workI didn't ask you to do that. Onika I'm very upset.I'm sorry the world bothered you.
On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 12:48 PM, Steve Urkle <steveurkle00@gmail.com> wrote:
She knew she couldn't beat me at the rap shitso she goes around the the point and punches me in my kidney using a remote technique similar to yoga controlling my body movments and sluring my speechreferarthritisorthepidicsMississippiiss internet severplateswhen you get to your thirties you learn how these words apply to your life and the things that you learn to accept that are baffeling such as iis whats the meaning and how do you apply the things that you can accept to the things that you cant understandplates or serverwife and how our life as a couple generally apply to the things that we are to conversate about as the issue of importance to what parameters make since in position and processingin whatever order buffereing load the waith is considered the opportunity to thinkthe temple the petuitarhy gland oxygen the nasal passage ways salavia the touge the teeth speaking correctly thinking before acting is a rule of thumbbeing followed however by a person I cant see but hear is dangerous feeling pressure on my body as the temperature changes the body will alert the adrenalin as its used to fuel the point and purpose intended to accomplish physical movement with accuracy and speed agilityI'm being attacked at the bufferthe load interrupt and intefferencesimilar to pressing pushing or pullingthis was a problem for the united states when we began to take interest in aeronautics and the atomosphere.I've been getting kidney stones since 2011 and I wonder how a women can compete with a men. Very difficult for me to imagineShe knew she couldn't beat me at the rap shitso she goes around the the point and punches me in my kidney using a remote technique similar to yoga controlling my body movments and sluring my speechzap shock popPuerto rican Chinese caucassian aaryian blood nation illumines illuminate or light explaining growth and achievementfire and stoneford and strengthprocessing spelling knowledge and secretsmy family cheated by naming me and giving birth to a child a son stephon calvin smithVanessa a smithGeraldo riverain Germany in 1986 then bringing me to the united states that allowed me to get through school as m parents are both American.the rumors the gossip stephon steve urkle tgif carlos Santana and bongo and thea lot of us got set up yes but that doesn't give you the right to hurt my back and my sidefuck I look like a profit to youyeah ightbitch got the cops all in my houswhat is psychicsay What the FUCK is that . poignant surprise and superstition supercalifragilistic expialidosistaking merit for the skill and time that you've managed to live on this earth and claim that it it their gift to you as a way to kill the competition or just utter survivallike dislikemarriage sticky finger bloody finger napkin just being cautious aware and taking your timeget off mewhat the fuck is thatVerizon can you here me nowboost where you atbubble gum Mexican monkey backpacknotice the similarities of a o and e o squeeze pinch and relevance of common knowledge called vowelsget the money and get out of hereget this women off of youright above texaslistening and hearing is a skill responding accurately when told to is all apart of following directionall of which I have at twenty sevenyes my mom was rough on me she was in the military.my private and personal business is my private and personal businessrefer spy software hard warecompeting with this woman and making it soft so that you can tell that this was what I was made to do.im not under you control stop acting act it toshakesphere to be or not to be.
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12:51 PM (0 minutes ago)
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I need my money 50,000 and 6 million thank you and drake for putting that in proper perspective. My family owns enough property in the united states and has traveled around the world.
Aunt Vivian became a correction officer
My Uncle a police officer
My mom joined the military in 1972 before you were here.
what are you doing on my body
I got mad stuff on the internet i practically own the internet
his face look like why you keep talking to me
As americans we were born to dream and be like thinkers
as far as conscious mmmmm i guess that common sense.
she fell off at about the long kisser i need goggles umm why you trying to kill me line lord please help me
jay z has a movie and then there meek mill yaeeeee im way to old for this
skipping to the library ss46ss lots and lots of kisses from O' for trying
I keep on thinking my niggas gone kill me for this shit
Man I thought you wanted to play
thin line from my priorites and just being late
365 team stephon lets go New Year if your still saying Money makers you must be ludacris
interrupt interference kidney stones bean
ReplyDelete$50,000 for one all 32 teeth she got me at $1 million for one tooth sounds unbelivable doesnt it she dont even know what i'm talking about im sure she curious though jackin for beats and all
ReplyDeleteremove the dollar the symbol and to understand find where search avoid pockets detail loss
ReplyDeleteyou gone get betat up by her wtf
ReplyDeleteit looks like a market to me sorry about the rythm stephon omorion lebron deon sanders emitt smith theres a joke how to cater to your audience
ReplyDeletethis that v 8 toma to
ReplyDeleterent january 27 due in 20 days
ReplyDeletethen oraganize everymonth so payment is automatic
breakfas lunch dinner
8 hours of rest
then 9 to 5 schedule working resting sleeping enjoying spare time after work. muah
what is this rehab or detox no bodies perfect
just the normal regular meal not apeitzer sometimes i dont want to eat
depending on who's watching coming soon! from O'
I listen to music to much get high and cut me off from the regular
ReplyDeletei want a me me not a me me me ewwwww roger right steph phenomonal
splash pls
omarion fabolous pusha t know youbetter
nsync with the times jeans decade in new york positions the world for a perfect
by get high just understand whats relevant how i fit and those jeans off that ass may be if you up still blinking mmmmm zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzimknowyoubetter
washing clothes and privacy secret money step by step for dummies roke rake alone solitare pre rag bot le fren
frankkly i quit
she may not be that grown
ReplyDeleteshe who
why como cuomo they had a mayor named cuomo up here
they be saying stupid shit like whats up moe funny i dare to dream yeah....
she may not be that grown
if she's mad
if shes mad at me then she must be mad at the world
how the what the doing shout out to d.r and p.r makes us seem like children again
she who no sweat beads
splash pls
omarion fabolous pusha ta know you better
fabolous lituation
i guess the interent was made for sharing not making money consider how bad the postal service was doing how do you say no
are we done here
bloodmoney looked like people knew they could live forever but died the stockmarket cant support the gossip
you want something like that you have to pay it got that bad you dont want some jeans
speaking of can you say no
shout out to my baby nicki maturity i had a wonderful morning horrible glamor glitz and lit s t o p yelling and screaming in my head i remember i just dont put it together
like lay down where you at can you here me now