Thursday, November 6, 2014

Traveling Checking for Stop Lights while crossing. A relative approache to friendship in 2014

North West Lock dat ebonics an obvous that your being watched its easy to spot/set.
Aint no locking that because I'm in new York and its not in the north west so it should be more money than a mother fucker coming in just be patient get you hair done and smoke.

I'm trying to figure out why this African lady trying to charge me $50 to get my hair done. I'm like bitch I aint paying you 50 dollars to do my hair. I would but I don't make enough money what the fuck is fifty dollars why you want to charge me 50 to do my hair. Maybe she don't want to do my hair. On 125th st and Fredrick Douglas by magic Johnson theaters.

Is placement and issue nationality and discrimination I'm like nicki can stay down there with august.
laugh's its just a page but associating meaning and guilt with whats common is like saying there is no such thing as common sense people will do what they want. Making it difficult for people to enjoy I love you. enjoy thank you

Splash Swanye Suechii Liquid Vision

hurtin my side talkin all crazy how can you be descritive and not get paid for and explanation and she know what shes doing I tried to educate her on the principals and reason for my actions but when it comes to her... no answer I know the menstrual cycle is a bitch and semen coming out my penius only complicates the touch or communication over a computer and telephone meant for advertising and expressing your favorites

enjoy I got a muah for you

come get some bum stickity bum "you little" lmao
I wih I could log straight on to my google + page when I type in google dot com. you can its just taking the time and personalizing

Kim thanks for the new singles and the correct pronunciation of the bag. hermes berkin it helps a lot.

when did bipolar sczophrenia and parkison become an issue with marriage and state. When people were faking trying to organize people and there belief I need the space. my mother's like you cant stop people and the way they will use the things they've learned. I posted wobble wobble hoping I wont get stoned to death I think nicki is cool but I hope in the pursuit of money I don't umm be accused of stalking or harassing her behind the psychic love advice relationship advice fortune telling cookie money making mitch.

You were who you were before you got here

quarter penny nickel dime I done coined the phrase

I slang clint east wood hold up I didn't say that

one woll lmao laughter definetly compliments pain not sex shout out to who evers missing in there thoughts.

CEO Stephon Smith
         Geraldo Rivera Jr.

I'm in new York Right now Brooklyn right across the bridge from Manhattan. I have to walk to the library every morning to use the computer or the sinternet making contradiction or speaking a question to why religion or tax free churches are a concern. Democrats definitely complicate things when America chooses to out source most of their business their isn't much peace.

please no flooding. Pipe Damn Bridge Wall influence energy and conversation. Thanks to the irs bringing order to our lives and accounting for waste and excess. Also Thanks to the Sanatation Department.
you just cant be a geek. Looking at something so thornfully. what am I to do with these eyes. Image Light Gorgeous Morning. How do we appreciate them. Congrats nick on the wonderful shot.
 Maybe the buffer was button.  Thinking of appreciation knowing and flooding. My side stop playing so rough I don't know what love is gentle rough it sounds like fabric. its like saying get off of me trying to create as we exist. Siemen and Philips cat scan and x rays  Don't forget enjoy your stars tonight. Brand on
Stephon Smith
Geraldo Rivera
Splash Swanye Suechii Liquid Vision
Stephon Is too much all the time I like being alone appreciateing the curiosty in the goeroge gourd and hat. Tennis Shoe maybe one day we'll have enough time and patience (you have to speak for the females sometimes) to get there.  Ahhhhh  ho ! hey baby whats your name don't move my car
Does order matter What kind of machine was it. A copier machine a computer a telephone and a nail clipper to test the value of a diamonds worth. how much is a sentence worth.
Do what I say do that's exactly what your telling me for the past two years. Making me think a little too much choosing and decision making based on who you know me to be. How Hello would always be a nice way to say high. Waving may ruin the opportunity to self consiuosly be aware.

Every Post is like the last one I need to close my dollar. A dollar spent is a dollar enjoyed.

Nicki On her computer

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