Aye yo That's homo
Chipotle and An Apple
What are you sailing music
2013 2014 Jan Feb Aug Out
Nov April Out
Where fighting over interest. Example J.Cole Dollar and a Dream
April to November 5th Which is todate this year American Chinese
500 this year
2 Million amount I'm want for my music if by contract
6 Million amount that I want for my music if by contract
I should be making 30,000 a year. I've made 500 this year possibly 612.
with out rounding. (applause noise whispers )
#'s 347 432 6748
4 3 2
philidelphia ny
chan Change
The Telephone System
to you
repeat hop bounce
signal sound "cant hear what other party is saying"
secret caller calling
Nicki may feel like I'm pressing her. I'm not pressing her im trying to tell her what I'm expecting for my music art or material if I happen to sign for a contract. Bad Boy or Universal Geffen Koch Capitol interscope Colipark
Diddy is in LA Big Sean shouting out my work from Chicago saying I'm expected to mimic shawn or nicki Minaj. I've been a resident of new York for the past 14 years before they started this bubble guts game 1 year ago 2013.
I've traveled around the city and to d.c and philidelphia two or three times been shocked zapped popped and forced to observe and audience behind rumors of byrdgang mexico tupacs shakur and christohpher Wallace death.
expectation cb cockblocking
bg bubble guts
we're comma
where source hidden
theory to practice
paper to plastic
not including ration or rational thinking leaving line to determine order and process of purchase
I'm often indecisive in my choosing process. Splash Swayne Suechii Bugs bunny I chose to name myself for a multiple reasons I haven had much I my life and I'm interested in history and politics technolohy and building a dream that has the possibility of growth new York makes it very hard and challenging due to competing with the world and other states I was raised in d.c nc and lived in new York as a teenager. July 01,2001 was my first time in new York. I rode the subway for the first time and have heard a lot about stories of how rumors or stories creep out from television shows to limiting population growth and keeping secrets from outsiders.
Analyisis technology
and weather
double integers
operators standards
drain excess waste
Stephon In my stride and Step to fortune using the public library as a resource and relaxation since 13 when I was introduced to netscape navigator an internet browser yahoo and playboy
Carmen Sandiago
Sincerely Stephon Smith
CEO Liquid Vision
Bacteria travels Latinos and African Americans have stories of drugs lottery and being purpose because of Americas need to make a difference in the world.
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