Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Memo 12/2/2014 Campiagn ads browsing ads using complex algorithms hologram

its not letting me place the things where I want so I cant play the usual games with the girls but I can publish the content.
its some shit that be like how that go

don't do that

because you just gone keep on talking

then you gone get hit

with a boom

Country in new York you don't even have time to read over your thoughts.

How can marriage be blame


ray and nephew

that aint ray and nephew

ray :) ray :(that's music going to play monica or rather listen  never mind I seen some as to click on or rather

emptying pampers contents focusing on the plastic and the interpretation of who I meant to call the babies that I intend to have one day in holo gram space for question  beef five




holo gram




seasoning 600m just for statistics # something its something
letters =players #'s something interruption ' apostarphe comma or wifey

traffic spainish Chinese

I feel like because we speak English and they can understand us it gives us a losing homefield advantage to know the sport or profession is home court but with hurricans atlantic specific being a question as to where they come from then I own my on shit

not knowing something so drastic could be a personal opinion as to why water is even in the air and why money and rain come naturally with hard work not pain

type text bold

learning $0.00 refer to letters #'s or something

peggy ugly betty

brand description terms that apply to ray marriage and label as context can be misconstrued lvgb for instance could mean Louis votton can supply and mimc brand as I intend to arket and associate not a childish opinion of abortions or who had babies and aint gone support us
did I just say Louis vutton opinons are like assumption everybody has one cant do this cant do that pussy money weed whatever is like saying duh stay black and die engrave  implement brand change sorry for having a black president and seeming like we about to get some money I am shit some new teeth too wise young man pun not intended cuz I know who I am and how I can act at twenty seven locked up what kind of word is that to smoke inhaled lol go to the studio and smoke sniff some coke up wtf lmao where in the Bronx or Harlem where the Louis store shit

excusing ignoring random chatter translating body movement or thoughts based on being over heard iphone blackberry stock seasoning use excessive as needed

recipie restaurant terms that go with reminders that business isn't sleeping eating is consuming filling and appreciated if its continuous like a track not a hurricane
1      2      3      4    5  excel be more specific thanks to onika maraj  ge= seasoning apply as needed. to taste not nasty or piegons are birds then fingers  are jay's yeah aight and cops are buys high school education aint bad to hide from a onika maraj or Robert kawaski or boomberg or guiliani for nothing but branding or talking on a microphone typing walking down the street this aint the fifties word to fuck they word to anyways kennedy and king

box box  box  box  circle

1                    2          3       4        5
holo gram learning $0.00 600m ads

ebonics is ebonics welfare is welfare filing taxes is personal and slang is sprain for almost broke
im all the way broke

Germany Puerto rican Cherokee indian and African American

Geraldo Rivera Jr.
Stephon Smith

niggas tried to con me to limit people funds and try to place me that's all

why you hurt my side

hut don't got know r that reverse or backwards
wards aint words

I aint bi polar or szcophrenic

people wanna be just like me then they gone have to be just like me not

make me then say I am so they can ... s and t minus t and s

just word endings

not worlds quad quantuam get over the hump hitch glitch or whatever

I want to be able to publish content that matters not don't think somebody just did time in jail setting you up I can set myself up no thank you

no you sending me in circles to the point extra aint hard work.

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