Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Memo December 16

Texas  couldn't post pursuit of happiness jaden and will speaking
Interview With Will And Jaden Smith
                                    pursuit of happiness trailer
The Pursuit of Happyness (5/8) Movie CLIP - Basketball and Dreams (2006) HD

I get everything I want let's go team stephon

                      Meek Mill Believe it
            T.I If it aint about the money   
                             Don't be blowing me up
Chaos questioning what we do and why we do it Chaos

blow yo brains back ... I don't know nothing about that

I cant hear what you say I aint fittna do shit!

turn up a what they say

bow a nigga what!
hustle stop

skirt !

Concern for senators ,efficiency  while passing laws informing state residents of how these laws can be noticed to give financial discomfort to residents penalizing them for their errors. As states can often be over populated  statistics can turn into pranks for high school students and college students as they often are warped in a media filled public unwelcoming an uncomfortable nights rest.




Using the slogan Hollywood is no longer a tangible idea as many people approach their thirties something that residents can relate to after an episode on television needs to be more practical such as how radiation affects those that are obese with out an aggressive approach. Daily monitoring the weather conditioning goods to serve as a personal solution to privacy. The cabinet has become a mockery of purpose and achievement as socialist promote fear with cfc’s green peace questioning the ultraviolet rays from the sun hurricanes earthquakes. Every day seems to be a day to prepare for a disaster. The united states has successful implemented services pertaining  to industrialization such as child labor laws women’s right and smokers general warning for those that prefer to be in a non smoking public.

The use of direct and absurd terms makes progress seem imminent going no where but striking to the eye. Vision Saliva and thirst becomes of question to the person as choice and timing do not in accordance to product selection and the theory of balance and regularity. Marriage Marijauna laws have caught the attention of many new adults that seem to question the pull where are we being  dragged to if not the end of the world. Oh you don’t know okay. Ummmm Twilight Transformers Mib can be our parents reality after thirty and fourty years on this earth. I’d hope to wake in the comfort of a bed and provided with privileges to a meal every once in a while. Repetitive statements become inoccal questions. Leaving air to provide a presense and the devices to have life. Using the refrigerator microwave or even toaster to much with adrenaline and energy to save the world right in the palm of our hands yet typing and writing becomes tiresome.

I remember watching flick of people try to lift cars in the 90’s. I think its our memories that will provide a way around the Flintstone and hopefully to some digorno as soon as possible. Urgency seems to be questioning sex marriage or consent to trust your choices and decisions as enron and Microsoft seem to be a meltdown.

 My hot pocket is ready. Using the idea of carton pack and gaging as in gaa ging everything is a joke a sound effect and a car can back fire disturbing everything I stand for. Purpose and point intended progress considering those that can do for themselves as equipped if you come with two arms and two legs I hope stability within question doesn’t leave you flabber gasted.


North Carolina

New York is filled with glee and sarcasm to question the latest trend and relevance of ideal practical purpose of building. The s flies away with the ding and crowds of people know one know trying to be as common as they make them.

I grew up in North Carolina Selma Winston Salem Greensboro which is close to Durham and Raleigh everything seems common and in order as accordance applies to religion and common sense. For instance the capital of North Carolina is Chapel Hill. The state bird is a blue jay. Stating common facts from memory without the duh affect gives me confidence that we can continue to search and find our purpose of life with artifacts books and services that apply to us as individuals.


I’m not playing a game I’m living life I’m not asking for a tour or a group to join me.


My focus is to create and balance trust with a consistent function similar to breathing air.

Politics and Sports are both very aggressive or can be. Promoting a social Image is something that people will pay to keep you in foci or on point.


Distractions leave me to weigh choices and options superstition give me the opportunity to question child hood dreams traveling on the amtrack greyhound . It seems like people have mimic and exhausted my options to cast truth in why the east cost is the east coast and why the west coast is the west coast. I sometimes believed that its trust that allowed my family to grow on the eastern part of the united states. Staying connected to my family has gotten a lot easier with the invention of the telephone and the computer.  You are provided with a telephone number and possibly an email address if you so choose.


Having the choice and freedom is something I belive comes with the rights as an American citizen. Being boastful about being a military brat gives me the option to be selective and consider military bases around the country. Creating a stigma grouping  for personal growth and achievement.

Being distracted casues an adrenaline rush for security and balance. Monthly and weekly goals are to achieve comfort and balance. Dieting exercising and making sure to budget for  the cost of rent and outwear. As my speech tempo and tone changes I learn to grow and except the things that I cannot change.

Branding marketing hip hop social media such as videos only minutes worth of energy giving way to ideas worldwide. Using Liquid Vision as a platform to bounce off of. As Jay –z would say point out the bounce the issue figure and solve the problem.

Net work administration has taught me to thwart viruses and adware by trusting the net installing numerous applications using common sense to choice and decide what would be best for the system that I’m using and the network as it applies to the clients preference.

Operating systems have taught us to remember that a personal computer can be a node or a server. Servicing uploads and download capabilities for peers. Friendship and company as keep applies allow you to analyze the similarities between personal relationships business relationships and functionality with placing items accurately as they too serve a purpose.

My mother making  jokes about marines and jar heads or veterans cheese sliding off there cracker have made way for me to understand the psychology of applications aging. The process is an atrocious catastrophe with quirks self educating yourself leave s room for options like working for home to save time and effort. Traffic and Effect is something We have been working on where the complex ideal is to apparently pursue aggressively and visously with discard to other functions applications. Leaving the software to apply patches by downloading updates and care for idle functions. How many things can you do at one time if you dare to dream?

 error va pa ny dc banging they stink
they keep flooding this shit
whats good with this

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